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Yuen Hsiang's Kitchen Get-Away

If only I could take my kitchen everywhere I go...

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Just another guy in the sea of bloggers. The truth is...I deleted the description by accident and now I can't remember what used to be here.

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    Herbs! Fresh herbs / Herb garden

Monday, February 14, 2005

Of Ang Pows, over priced choclates and flowers

Quote of the day : "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" - Author Unkown -
Craving : Pig Stomach Soup

GONG XI FA CHAI! First of all I must apologise for the really long absence of posts. My computer at home has been causing me problems and preventing me from blogging, and since I've been away from my office computer for about 2 weeks, I have not had the chance to blog. In fact I actually wrote an entry and tried to post it 10 times but couldn't. And since my mood has changed since then, I won't be posting that again.

So it's Valentine's Day, oh joy. It's that time of the year where lovers around the world celebrate love with chocolates, flowers and a nice dinner from restaurants that claim to have give Valentine discounts, but in reality inflate the normal price first then discount it. This is also the day that gives those singletons a confidence boost to approach/confess their feelings to a member of the opposite sex.

The thing is, Valentine's would really be a really sweet day, if only it wasn't so commercialized. These day's Valentine's is to buisnesses in February, what Christmas is in December, money, money, money. EVerybody is jumping on the Valentine bandwagon and this pink heart covered wagon has got a pretty hefty ticket price. I mean it's crazy how flowers can cost double, triple sometimes even 4 times the price of normal days. And strangely we (mostly dumb guys like me) still fork out obcene amounts of money and cave in to the need to give the love of our lives these Valentine stalwarts.

As for me this is gonna be a pretty quite Valentine's (as it is every year). Anything I would want or plan to do for Valentine's can only be detrimental to my future. So I'm just gonna stay home, in front of my computer and DotA all night. Sad? Well it's true.


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